Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday Sweatin' Session

This morning I ran a 5K with my wonderful friend, Gloria, from bootcamp. Jim, her hubby was there too and then, at the last second Karen showed up! Rain threatened but it held off and the sun even shone! It was about 68 degrees at 7am when I was getting there. As always I got there early.  I love to get my bearings and people watch for a bit.

I haven't run three miles non-stop in quite some time and I wasn't sure I could do it, especially when I saw the first half mile was an uphill! But running with Gloria really helped me.  I did walk for a few minutes after Mile Marker 2 but I caught up with Gloria when she slowed to drink some water. Nashville is hillier than you think and I found it pretty challenging, especially when the sun was shining and the temp began to rise. Phew! I was glad to see that finish line!

Gloria and Jim had a busy day and had to leave and I sat to wait for Karen to finish. No sooner had I sat than I saw her cross the line! We got water and sat and chatted for twenty minutes. We could talk all day, the two of us, and eventually I walked with her back to her car under Courthouse Square so we could keep yakking, and she drove me back to the race area to my car!!

I feel so so so amazingly lucky to have such great friends in my life. Between running with friends and chatting with them, it was a really uplifting start to my weekend!

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