Saturday, April 16, 2011

Two weeks and counting . . . .

 . . . . to our beach trip! SO excited.
And so are the birds apparently. I know it's Spring and they start singing before sunrise. I LOVE laying in bed listening to them. But both yesterday and today one lone bird figured he'd practice his singing at 2am. 2am!  We sleep the majority of the year with a window open and this time of the year all windows are WIDE open.  This little guy was going for it. I lay awake and then realized Charles was awake and, to judge from the tossing and turning in his bed, Nigel's slumber was also being disturbed!
I got up to pull the windows closed a little and actually spoke out into the darkened woods "Hey little guy, go back to bed. No-one's listening to you right now."  He replied with an identical rendition of whatever he'd been saying before but then, I swear, he was quiet! (Then I lay back in bed and felt bad for shushing one of God's creatures, only doing what he is born to do!)

Anyway, two weeks today we'll be in the middle of the Nashville Half Marathon and then we leave for Folly Beach! To say 'I'm ready" for a trip to the beach might be the understatment of the year. Today I plan on getting some stuff together, t-shirts, shorts, paperwork for the house rental as on the Sunday when we leave I will be sleeping with my out of town girlfriends at The Hutton Hotel, who are joining us for the race and, instead of waking at some unearthly hour to get home only to leave again, we have decided that Charles will pack up the car and then pick me up on the way out of town.  I'm hoping this is a wise choice. (a) I'm a control freak and am seriously worried he'll forget something we need to pack and (b) I'll have my no-doubt stinky gear from the race in the hotel room with me and it will have to ride with us in the car for nine hours to South Carolina! Guess I need to add "two or three garbage bags" to the packing list to place said gear in and seal tight til we get to the house and a washer!

OK, I'm rambling as usual. . . . time to get on with the day . . .Happy Saturday y'all!

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