Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Yesterday morning was a wonderful bootcamp. It was tough and challenging and I sweat buckets and left there feeling strong and ready for anything! Then I got home and promptly fell off the stairs, and injured myself pretty badly! Let me explain. We have a half set of stairs that go up from our living room to our dining 'area'. To make the condo seem more open and modern two years ago, after our elderly dog had died, we took the railings down these stairs out. It looks fabulous. It has not been a problem. Not once. I know there's no railing there.  I have developed the habit of stepping on or off the stairs on my way up and down on about the 2nd stair from the bottom. Yesterday I thought I was doing just that but when I stepped, there was no floor where I thought it would be and I collapsed into a crumpled heap on the floor next to the staircase! I think I was probably on step 3 or 4 from the bottom. 
I cried out and then sat there for 30 seconds, praying, out loud "Dear God, PLEASE don't let anything be broken. Please!"  Charles is out of state til Thursday this week and for a few seconds I was a little apprehensive about how I was going to get myself to the hospital, walk all my clients (dogs) and manoevre around our 3 story townhouse on crutches in a cast. Eventually I got up the courage to try and stand and put weight on my foot. It hurt but not that 'broken bone hurt' and I knew I was alright.  (I've only ever broken one thing, my lefthand pinky, and I knew it immediately. I threw up and could see the broken bit of bone trying to push throught the skin. Urgh, makes me feel sick to remember that feeling!)

I hobbled to the fridge and got a ziploc bag of ice to ice it. I emailed a wonderful fellow bootcampee, a doc, because I have 800mg Ibuprofen but couldn't remember if that is an anti-inflammatory. (She said it is and to take one) I sat with ice on my foot, missing my husband and my mum.  (I've discovered that no matter how old I get, when I'm hurt or sick I want my mum - isn't that an amazing phenomenon? That needing of the person who nurtured you first never goes away. . .)
To cut two long days short, my ankle swelled to the size of a clementine and was still like that today so I drove over to my doctors to get an x-ray.  She said it is a pretty severe sprain but in a couple of days I should be fine . . . but NO BOOTCAMP! Just more ice, wrap and elevation.

So I'm glad yesterdays bootcamp was a tough one because it's gotta see me through til Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Sadness all around - I certainly know about ankle issues!! Hope you have a restful weekend - keep that ankle up!!!
